Expertisegebied: Relatie tussen filosofie van technologie en political economy. Ik heb onderzoek gedaan naar de "attention economy", "machine vision", en "Generative AI".
Celis Bueno, C. O. (2024). Postcapitalist Value: Humans, Machines, Information. In S. Das, A. Pratihar, & E. Gorgul (Eds.), Deleuze, Guattari and the Schizoanalysis of Post-Neoliberalism (pp. 55-74). (Schizoanalytic Applications). Bloomsbury Academic.
Celis Bueno, C., & Markelj, J. (2024). Towards a Posthumanist Critique of Large Language Models. Journal of Posthumanism, 4(3), 231–245.
Markelj, J., & Celis Bueno, C. O. (2023). Ambiguity and Affect in Digital Culture: An Interview with Susanna Paasonen. The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory, 4(1), 28-51.[details]
Rubio, R., & Bueno, C. C. (2023). Aportes simondonianos al debate reciente sobre operatividad, técnica y cultura en la teoría de los medios alemana. Revista de Filosofía, 48(2), 443-461.
Celis Bueno, C., Berti, A., & Parente, D. (Eds.) (2022). Glosario de Filosofía de la Técnica. Editorial La Cebra.
Bueno, C. C. (2021). Imagen y poder en la era de la visión artificial: Una interpretación a partir de Gilbert Simondon y Gilles Deleuze. Atenea, (523), 193-211.
Celis Bueno, C. O., & Schultz, M. J. (2021). Notes on an Algorithmic Faculty of the Imagination. Anthropocenes: Human, Inhuman, Posthuman, 1-13.
Celis-Bueno, C., & Schultz, M. J. (2021). Diagrama, clichés y algoritmos: Una aproximación a la visión maquínica desde la perspectiva no-representacional de Gilles Deleuze1. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 33(4), 1137-1156.
Bueno, C. C. (2020). La Allagmática en Cuanto Disciplina Poshumanista: Nuevas Metodologías Para el Estudio de las Imágenes en el Contexto de las Máquinas de Visión Algorítmica. Revista 180, (46), 26-37.
Celis Bueno, C. (2020). The Face Revisited: Using Deleuze and Guattari to Explore the Politics of Algorithmic Face Recognition. Theory, Culture & Society, 37, 73-91.
Celis, C. (2020). Critical surveillance art in the age of machine vision and algorithmic governmentality: Three case studies. Surveillance and Society, 18(3), 295-311.
Bueno, C. C. (2017). The attention economy: From cyber-time to cinematic time. In Memories of the Future: On Countervision (pp. 169-184). Peter Lang Academic Research.
Celis Bueno, C. (2017). Algorithmic Cinema and Machine Vision: Towards an Asignifying Semiotics of the Image.
Celis Bueno, C. (2015). Aesthetics and Politics of Found Footage Cinema in the Context of Digital Postproduction.
Lidmaatschap / relevante positie
Celis Bueno, C. (2022). Member of the Consulting Board, LAVITS Research Network.
Mueller, G. (participant), Celis Bueno, C. (organiser) & Markelj, J. (organiser) (9-4-2024). Speculative Technologies in the Age of Financialization, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Celis Bueno, C. (participant) (13-4-2021 - 29-6-2021). Between Trans- and Posthumanism, Pisa. The aim of this webinar series is to explore the encounters and differences between Trans-humanism and Posthumanism. These two concepts have been (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Celis Bueno, C. (visiting researcher) (1-1-2021 - 30-9-2021). Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa (visiting an external institution).
Celis Bueno, C. (visiting researcher) (1-9-2016 - 31-12-2016). Westminster University (visiting an external institution).
Jankowski, S., Kemper, J., Celis Bueno, C. O. & Sabbah, O. (7-11-2024). Wikipedia Policy Status Moments in Five Language Editions. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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