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Dr. C.M. (Catherine) Lord

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Dep. Mediastudies
Fotograaf: onbekend

  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Publicaties




    • Lord, C. (2020). Reflecting About States of emergence, states of emergency: Still Crazy After All these Years: a Response to“ Precarious Planet: Ecological Violence in The Age of Stupid”. Excursions, 10(2), 21-45. Article 3 . https://doi.org/10.20919/exs.10.2020.300 [details]









    • Lord, C. M. (2008). Scholars, dreams, and memory tapes. In P. Kooijman, P. Pisters, & W. Strauven (Eds.), Mind the screen: media concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser (pp. 125-137). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Durrant, S., & Lord, C. M. (2007). Introduction: Essays in migratory aesthetics: cultural practices between migration and art-making. In S. Durrant, & C. M. Lord (Eds.), Essays in migratory aesthetics: cultural practices between migration and art-making (pp. 11-19). (Thamyris intersecting: place, sex, and race; No. 17). Rodopi. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rodopi/tham/2007/00000017/00000001/art00001 [details]
    • Lord, C. M. (2007). Set Adrift in Style. In G. Beer, M. Bowie, & B. Perrey (Eds.), In(ter)discipline: New Languages for Criticism Legenda.


    • Lord, C. M. (2004). Becoming Still, Still Moving: Theoretical Pleasure in Sally Potter's Orlando. In J. de Bloois, & F. W. Korsten (Eds.), Discern(e)ments: Deleuzian Aesthetics (pp. 171-185). Rodopi. [details]



    • Lord, C. M. (2002). Romeo, Juliet, and the Scholar Get Framed: Filmed Shakespeare, Cultural Analysis and a Frame at the Cutting Edge. In Travelling Concepts II: Meaning, Frame and Metaphor (pp. 267-289). ASCA Press. [details]


    • Lord, C. M. (2001). The Lady Sits between Two Long Windows, Writing: Deleuze/Guattari and the Practice of Cultural. In P. Pisters (Ed.), Micropolitics of Media Culture: Reading the Rhizomes of Deleuze and Guattari Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Lord, C. M. (1999). THE FRAMES OF SEPTIMUS SMITH: Through Twenty Four Hours in the City of Mrs. Dalloway, 1923, and of Millennial London: ART IS A SHOCKING EXPERIENCE. Parallax, 5(3), 36-46. https://doi.org/10.1080/135346499249588


    • Lord, C. (2011). Off the see the Wizard: a short film. In E. Peeren, & M. Aydemir (Eds.), Eighty-eight: Mieke Bal PhDs 1983-2011 (pp. 73-82). ASCA Press. [details]



    • Lord, C. M. (2005). "Orpheus Leaves Home: Mixing Scholarship and Fiction in Camus' Black Orpheus.". In Patricia Pisters, & Wim Staat (Eds.), Shooting the Family: Transnational Media and Intercultural Values (pp. 133-146). AUP.


    • Lord, C. M. (2018). Interview with Catherine Lord. In D. Weatherer (Ed.), The Dead Stage: From Page to Stage Crystal Lake Publishing.


    • Lord, C. M. (2018). Shamans off the Grid: Practices of Life in Ciro Guerra's Embrace of the Serpent.


    • Lord, C. M. (2012). Performance in "Character Witness" by Nicoline van Harskamp. Digital or Visual Products, Exhibition, "Enacting Populism", Curated by Matheo Lucchetti, Kadist Art Foundation. http://www.kadist.org/index2.php?lang=en


    • Lord, C. M. (2011). Alice (performance) in "A Long History of Madness". Digital or Visual Products, Cinema Suitcase.


    • Lord, C. M. (2010). Alice (performance) in Mère Folle. Digital or Visual Products, Suitcase Cinema.


    • Lord, C. M. (2007). Raak (Hanro Smitsman). Digital or Visual Products

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Lord, C. M. (2015). Assistant-Directing, Fats and Tanya, Salon Collective, Etecetera Theatre.
    • Lord, C. M. (2015). Directing: Blackshaw Theatre, New Writing Night : 'Beige' (Dan Weatherer).


    • Lord, C. & Williams-Gamaker, M. (19-09-2019). Distant Relative [Other] Tintype Gallery, London. Distant Relative. https://www.tintypegallery.com/exhibitions/distant-relative/
    • Lord, C. (20-07-2018). Circa 2018 [Other]. Circa 2018 (writing/dir Professor Redell Olsen).
    • Lord, C. (31-05-2018). My Tempest [Other]. My Tempest.
    • Lord, C. (26-04-2018). Moving Knowledge: Library Interventions [Other]. the Monk's Performance (inspired by Umberto Ecco, The Name of the Rose).
    • Lord, C. (26-04-2018). Library Interventions: Moving Knowledge [Other] Leeds Arts University. Library Interventions: Moving Knowledge. https://www.leeds-art.ac.uk/news-events/events-exhibitions/library-interventions-moving-knowledge/
    • Lord, C. (18-04-2018). The Fruit is There to be Eaten [Other] The Freud Museum. The Fruit is There to be Eaten.
    • Lord, C. (21-01-2018). Rut by Jess O'Kane, Directed by Catherine Lord [Other] Theatre503. Rut, by Jess O'Kane.
    • Lord, C. (16-04-2017). "All Things Bright and Beautiful." [Other] Blink Theatre Company, London, Courtyard Theatre and the Old Red Lion. All Things Bright and Beautiful, by Catherine Lord, Produced by Blink Theatre Company, London.
    • Lord, C. (28-08-2016). Trapped by Sian Rowland, Directed by Catherine Lord [Other]. Trapped, by Sian Rowland, Directed by Catherine Lord.
    • Lord, C. (28-06-2016). Holding On, by Augustina Figueras, Directed by Catherine Lord [Other]. Holding On, by Augustina Figuera, Directed by Catherine Lord.
    • Lord, C. (29-10-2015). Theatre in the University Theatre, Amsterdam [Other] Factories for Flying Carpets. Seagulls, by Caryl Churchill, October 29th, 30th, 31st, 2015..
    • Lord, C. (31-05-2015). "Beige" by Dan Weatherer, Directed by Catherine Lord. [Other]. "Beige" by Dan Weatherer, Directed by Catherine Lord.


    • Lord, C. M. (speaker) (7-5-2013). We are all Michaelangelo: Performance, Convergence and the Case of Sally Potter’s "Rage", Colleagues Colloqium, Medastudies, University of Amsterdam.
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (20-3-2013). Anarchy, GAIA and other Actresses., Narrative 'Performance' Lecture for Yours in Solidarity Exhibition, NASA, Smart Space, Amsterdam..
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (5-7-2012). The Trauma of Elephants: a Postcolonial Critique., Minding Animals Conference, University of Utrecht.
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (29-6-2012). Doing Feminism Darkly: Ending the World in Lars von Trier's "Melancholia.", EASCLE Biennial Conference., University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain..
    • Lord, C. M. (speaker) (8-2-2012). The 'Content' of an Ending: Digital Effects, Theoretical Effects and Lars von Trier's Melancholia, Staff Research Seminar, Universitiy of Amsterdam.
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (27-1-2012). the Elephant in the Room: Pastoral and Fable between People, Elephants, Environments, NICA: Eco-Poco: the Ecocritical Turn Through Postcolonial Eyes, Amsterdam.
    • Lord, C. M. (speaker) (20-1-2012). Introducing "Dark Ecology" and the Work of Timothy Morton, Recycling Media Group, (Imagined Futures Programme), University of Amsterdam.
    • Lord, C. M. (speaker) (26-11-2011). Character Witness, Spokenworld 2011, The Kaai Theatre, Brussels. http://www.kaaitheater.be/productie.jsp?productie=965
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (11-5-2011). What do Pictures Want: the State of Art Research, Adventures in Multimodality, Research Group, University of Amsterdam. http://muldisc.wordpress.com/
    • Lord, C. M. (speaker) (16-10-2010). "Collected Stories" (Donald Margulies) with Catherine Lord and Courtney Noble, Scene Night, Mulholland Academy, Amsterdam.
    • Lord, C. M. (speaker) (15-11-2009). Monologue: "Her Story", Black Magic Women's Theatre Festival, Zid Theatre, Amsterdam.
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (28-1-2009). Feral Tales, Art and Design Research instiitue Lecture Series: Writing Art and Design, University of Ulster.
    • Lord, C. M. (speaker) (6-6-2008). "Ghostlight": the First Act (with the participation of actors from the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Showcase Performance for the Mphil in Playwriting 2008, Birmingham Hippodrome.
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (11-4-2005). To Hold an Actor Up to Nature: Performance as Disruptive Narrative in 'Looking for Richard', 'The Revenger's Tragedy' and 'Gosford Park', Stories That Just Happen: Performative Narratology, University of Amsterdam.
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (20-9-2003). Set Adrift in Style: The Scholar as Fiction and Filmmaker in Woolf's Jacob's Room, New Languages for Criticism, University of Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College.
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (4-9-2003). Rapturing the Magus: Intertextuality as Intermediaity in Prospero's Books, Opening of the Academic Year, Amsterdam (UvA).
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (12-7-2003). Images to Duet: Practice Research and the Case of Philip Glass, Conference Entitled: Warp/Woof: Aurality, Textuality, Music, University of Leeds, Centre CATH.
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (10-8-2001). Titus the Movie Nasty: Taymour's Titus Andronicus and the Case of Theatre to Film Studies, Shakespeare and his Contemporaries in Performance, St. John's College, the University of Cambridge.
    • Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (11-5-2000). As Modernism Turned: Shakespeare's Influence on Mrs. Dalloway and Chris Marker, Modernism in Context, University of Leiden, OSL.


    • Leberg, D. H. M. (2018). The moving parts: Screen acting and empathy. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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