Lord, C. (2024). Biophilia in the Hinterlands: Symbiotic Affects in Robinson in Ruins. In P. Gupta, S. Nuttall, E. Peeren, & H. Stuit (Eds.), Planetary Hinterlands: Extraction, Abandonment and Care (pp. 207-222). (Palgrave Studies in Globalisation, Culture and Society). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-24243-4_13[details]
Lord, C. M. (2024). Hope in the Fractures: Mary Oliver's Ecopoetics of Attention. Comparative American Studies : an International Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/14775700.2024.2443257
Lord, C. (2022). Sexy, slimy, monstrous: Infection as collaboration in Ben Wheatley’s In the Earth and Jaco Bouwer’s Gaia. Australasian Journal of Popular Culture, 11(1-2), 147-161. https://doi.org/10.1386/ajpc_00056_1[details]
Lord, C. (2020). Reflecting About States of emergence, states of emergency: Still Crazy After All these Years: a Response to“ Precarious Planet: Ecological Violence in The Age of Stupid”. Excursions, 10(2), 21-45. Article 3 . https://doi.org/10.20919/exs.10.2020.300[details]
Lord, C. M. (2009). Angels with Nanotech Wings: Magic, Medicine and Technology in Aronofksky's The Fountain, Gibson's The Neuromancer and Slonczewski's Brain Plague. Nebula, 6(4), 162-174. http://www.nobleworld.biz/images/Lord.pdf[details]
Lord, C. M. (2008). Scholars, dreams, and memory tapes. In P. Kooijman, P. Pisters, & W. Strauven (Eds.), Mind the screen: media concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser (pp. 125-137). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
Durrant, S., & Lord, C. M. (2007). Introduction: Essays in migratory aesthetics: cultural practices between migration and art-making. In S. Durrant, & C. M. Lord (Eds.), Essays in migratory aesthetics: cultural practices between migration and art-making (pp. 11-19). (Thamyris intersecting: place, sex, and race; No. 17). Rodopi. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rodopi/tham/2007/00000017/00000001/art00001[details]
Lord, C. M. (2007). Set Adrift in Style. In G. Beer, M. Bowie, & B. Perrey (Eds.), In(ter)discipline: New Languages for Criticism Legenda.
Lord, C. M. (2004). Becoming Still, Still Moving: Theoretical Pleasure in Sally Potter's Orlando. In J. de Bloois, & F. W. Korsten (Eds.), Discern(e)ments: Deleuzian Aesthetics (pp. 171-185). Rodopi. [details]
Lord, C. M. (2003). Rapturing the Text: The Paraliterary between Works of Derrida, Virginia Woolf and Jeanette Winterson. Oxford Literary Review, 25, 139-156. https://doi.org/10.3366/olr.2003.010[details]
Lord, C. M. (2002). Romeo, Juliet, and the Scholar Get Framed: Filmed Shakespeare, Cultural Analysis and a Frame at the Cutting Edge. In Travelling Concepts II: Meaning, Frame and Metaphor (pp. 267-289). ASCA Press. [details]
Lord, C. M. (2001). The Lady Sits between Two Long Windows, Writing: Deleuze/Guattari and the Practice of Cultural. In P. Pisters (Ed.), Micropolitics of Media Culture: Reading the Rhizomes of Deleuze and Guattari Amsterdam University Press. [details]
Lord, C. M. (1999). THE FRAMES OF SEPTIMUS SMITH: Through Twenty Four Hours in the City of Mrs. Dalloway, 1923, and of Millennial London: ART IS A SHOCKING EXPERIENCE. Parallax, 5(3), 36-46. https://doi.org/10.1080/135346499249588
Lord, C. (2011). Off the see the Wizard: a short film. In E. Peeren, & M. Aydemir (Eds.), Eighty-eight: Mieke Bal PhDs 1983-2011 (pp. 73-82). ASCA Press. [details]
Lord, C. M. (2005). "Orpheus Leaves Home: Mixing Scholarship and Fiction in Camus' Black Orpheus.". In Patricia Pisters, & Wim Staat (Eds.), Shooting the Family: Transnational Media and Intercultural Values (pp. 133-146). AUP.
Lord, C. M. (2018). Interview with Catherine Lord. In D. Weatherer (Ed.), The Dead Stage: From Page to Stage Crystal Lake Publishing.
Lord, C. M. (2011). Interview: Catherine Lord - 'De postfeministische wereld is grotendeels een illusie.'. XI: Mediasite met een kritische blik op film, tv en nieuwe media. http://www.xi-online.nl/film/interview-catherine-lord/
Lord, C. M. (2018). Shamans off the Grid: Practices of Life in Ciro Guerra's Embrace of the Serpent.
Lord, C. M. (2012). Performance in "Character Witness" by Nicoline van Harskamp. Digital or Visual Products, Exhibition, "Enacting Populism", Curated by Matheo Lucchetti, Kadist Art Foundation. http://www.kadist.org/index2.php?lang=en
Lord, C. M. (2011). Alice (performance) in "A Long History of Madness". Digital or Visual Products, Cinema Suitcase.
Lord, C. M. (2010). Alice (performance) in Mère Folle. Digital or Visual Products, Suitcase Cinema.
Lord, C. M. (2007). Raak (Hanro Smitsman). Digital or Visual Products
Prijs / subsidie
Lord, C. M. (2015). Assistant-Directing, Fats and Tanya, Salon Collective, Etecetera Theatre.
Lord, C. M. (2015). Directing: Blackshaw Theatre, New Writing Night : 'Beige' (Dan Weatherer).
Lord, C. (18-04-2018). The Fruit is There to be Eaten [Other] The Freud Museum. The Fruit is There to be Eaten.
Lord, C. (21-01-2018). Rut by Jess O'Kane, Directed by Catherine Lord [Other] Theatre503. Rut, by Jess O'Kane.
Lord, C. (16-04-2017). "All Things Bright and Beautiful." [Other] Blink Theatre Company, London, Courtyard Theatre and the Old Red Lion. All Things Bright and Beautiful, by Catherine Lord, Produced by Blink Theatre Company, London.
Lord, C. (28-08-2016). Trapped by Sian Rowland, Directed by Catherine Lord [Other]. Trapped, by Sian Rowland, Directed by Catherine Lord.
Lord, C. (28-06-2016). Holding On, by Augustina Figueras, Directed by Catherine Lord [Other]. Holding On, by Augustina Figuera, Directed by Catherine Lord.
Lord, C. (29-10-2015). Theatre in the University Theatre, Amsterdam [Other] Factories for Flying Carpets. Seagulls, by Caryl Churchill, October 29th, 30th, 31st, 2015..
Lord, C. (31-05-2015). "Beige" by Dan Weatherer, Directed by Catherine Lord. [Other]. "Beige" by Dan Weatherer, Directed by Catherine Lord.
Lord, C. M. (speaker) (7-5-2013). We are all Michaelangelo: Performance, Convergence and the Case of Sally Potter’s "Rage", Colleagues Colloqium, Medastudies, University of Amsterdam.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (20-3-2013). Anarchy, GAIA and other Actresses., Narrative 'Performance' Lecture for Yours in Solidarity Exhibition, NASA, Smart Space, Amsterdam..
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (5-7-2012). The Trauma of Elephants: a Postcolonial Critique., Minding Animals Conference, University of Utrecht.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (29-6-2012). Doing Feminism Darkly: Ending the World in Lars von Trier's "Melancholia.", EASCLE Biennial Conference., University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain..
Lord, C. M. (speaker) (8-2-2012). The 'Content' of an Ending: Digital Effects, Theoretical Effects and Lars von Trier's Melancholia, Staff Research Seminar, Universitiy of Amsterdam.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (27-1-2012). the Elephant in the Room: Pastoral and Fable between People, Elephants, Environments, NICA: Eco-Poco: the Ecocritical Turn Through Postcolonial Eyes, Amsterdam.
Lord, C. M. (speaker) (20-1-2012). Introducing "Dark Ecology" and the Work of Timothy Morton, Recycling Media Group, (Imagined Futures Programme), University of Amsterdam.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (11-5-2011). What do Pictures Want: the State of Art Research, Adventures in Multimodality, Research Group, University of Amsterdam. http://muldisc.wordpress.com/
Lord, C. M. (speaker) (16-10-2010). "Collected Stories" (Donald Margulies) with Catherine Lord and Courtney Noble, Scene Night, Mulholland Academy, Amsterdam.
Lord, C. M. (speaker) (15-11-2009). Monologue: "Her Story", Black Magic Women's Theatre Festival, Zid Theatre, Amsterdam.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (28-1-2009). Feral Tales, Art and Design Research instiitue Lecture Series: Writing Art and Design, University of Ulster.
Lord, C. M. (speaker) (6-6-2008). "Ghostlight": the First Act (with the participation of actors from the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Showcase Performance for the Mphil in Playwriting 2008, Birmingham Hippodrome.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (11-4-2005). To Hold an Actor Up to Nature: Performance as Disruptive Narrative in 'Looking for Richard', 'The Revenger's Tragedy' and 'Gosford Park', Stories That Just Happen: Performative Narratology, University of Amsterdam.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (20-9-2003). Set Adrift in Style: The Scholar as Fiction and Filmmaker in Woolf's Jacob's Room, New Languages for Criticism, University of Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (4-9-2003). Rapturing the Magus: Intertextuality as Intermediaity in Prospero's Books, Opening of the Academic Year, Amsterdam (UvA).
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (12-7-2003). Images to Duet: Practice Research and the Case of Philip Glass, Conference Entitled: Warp/Woof: Aurality, Textuality, Music, University of Leeds, Centre CATH.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (10-8-2001). Titus the Movie Nasty: Taymour's Titus Andronicus and the Case of Theatre to Film Studies, Shakespeare and his Contemporaries in Performance, St. John's College, the University of Cambridge.
Lord, C. M. (invited speaker) (11-5-2000). As Modernism Turned: Shakespeare's Influence on Mrs. Dalloway and Chris Marker, Modernism in Context, University of Leiden, OSL.
Leberg, D. H. M. (2018). The moving parts: Screen acting and empathy. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Lord, C. M. (1999). The Intimacy of Influence. Narrative and Theoretical fictions in the works of George Eliot, Virginia Woolf and Jeanette Winterson. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. ASCA Press. [details]
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