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Mr. dr. M. (Maaike) Voorhoeve

Universitair Docent
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Europese studies
Expertisegebied: Law in Muslim contexts, Law and gender, Law and colonialism, Islamic legal history

  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Maaike Voorhoeve is an assistant professor in the Department of History, European Studies and Religious Studies and a member of the Modern history section of the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies. She specializes in law and gender in the Muslim world, with a focus on North Africa.  

    After her PhD (University of Amsterdam, 2011), Voorhoeve held post-doctoral positions at Harvard Law School, Freie Universität, Humboldt Universität, and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. She was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and affiliated to the EUME programme of the Forum Transregionale Studien in Berlin. Between 2020 and 2024, Voorhoeve was chief editor of the Dutch journal ZemZem on the Middle East, Nort Africa and Islam. Until September 2023, she was co-director of the Amsterdam Centre for Middle Eastern Studies. Voorhoeve teaches courses on Islamic law, Islam and gender, colonialism and postcolonial theory.

    Voorhoeve published two books, Family Law in Islam (I.B. Tauris, 2012, 2nd ed. 2016) and Gender and Divorce Law in North Africa (I.B. Tauris, 2014), and a number of articles on legislation and adjudication in the field of family law and gender-coded criminal law in the Muslim world. Her most recent publication is "'The husband is the main breadwinner.’ Gender roles, labour participation and marriage in colonial and post-colonial Tunisia (1881-2011)" (Arab Law Quarterly, forthcoming). In 2024, Voorhoeve organised a conference on law, gender and colonialism in Muslim societies, together with Mariam Hothout and with funding from the UvA RPA "Decolonial Futures".

    Voorhoeve's current research project examines the influence of colonialism on gender laws in Muslim territories. Her focus lies on French colonial rule in the Maghreb and West-Africa, but she's equally interested in the influence of Dutch, British, Russian and Ottoman imperialism and its consequences for the law in Muslim territories, both in the Muslim world and beyond (e.g. the former Dutch colony of Surinam).

    Maaike Voorhoeve welcomes PhD proposals that wish to examine issues of law and gender in Muslim contexts, either in the contemporary context or their historical development.

    PhD Supervision:

    Lisa Schouten, The sound of Egyptian counterculture: rewriting notions of class, identity and culture through Mahraganat (with Jaap Kooijman)

    Mai Abbas, The representation of gender dynamics in Egyptian television series (with Joke Hermes and Jaap Kooijman)



    Thinking (post)colonial Europe (with Sudha Rajagopalan)

    Decentering EU MENA relations (with Gertjan Hoetjes, Asli Unan and Hanna Mühlenhoff)

    Anthropology of Islam, Gender and Law

    Research Seminar (law major, European studies; theme: Law and Gender)

    Sharia and Halakha and the modernization of religious law (with Valerica van der Geld-Dodan)

    De wereld in Delen (with Ronald de Rooij)

    European Studies at Work


  • Publicaties




    • Voorhoeve, M. (2020). Ḥaḍāna Practices in Tunisia: Between Women’s Rights and the Best Interest of the Child, 1956–2019. Hawwa. Journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic world, 18(2-3), 194-225. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1163/15692086-12341377 [details]



    • Voorhoeve, M. (2017). Production judiciaire des normes et vigilance de la société civile: le cas de la sexualité en Tunisie. L'Année du Maghreb, 16, 341-358. https://doi.org/10.4000/anneemaghreb.3114 [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2017). Symbolische vrouwenemancipatie in Tunesië en dagelijkse praktijk: Een casestudy van de straat die het sportende, Westerse vrouwenlichaam in de publieke ruimte disciplineert. In B. van Beers, & I. van Domselaar (Eds.), Homo Duplex : de dualiteit van de mens in recht, filosofie en sociologie : liber amicorum voor Dorien Pessers (pp. 197-211). Boom Juridisch. [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2017). Tunisian Female judges and ''The Mobilization of the Emancipative Potential of Tunisian Family Law”. In N. Sonneveld, & M. Lindbekk (Eds.), Woman judges in the Muslim World (pp. 178-203). (Women and Gender: The Middle East and the Islamic World; Vol. 15). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004342200_008 [details]



    • Carlisle, J., & Voorhoeve, M. (2014). Introduction. Middle East Law and Governance, 6(2), 63-69. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1163/18763375-00602005 [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2014). Gender and Divorce in North Africa: Sharia, Custom and Personal Status Law in Tunisia. I.B. Tauris.
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2014). God in the Courtroom: The Transformation of Courtroom Oath and Perjury between Islamic and Franco-Egyptian Law. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 134(4), 756-756.
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2014). Informal transactions with the police: The case of Tunisian “sex crimes”. Middle East Law and Governance, 6(2), 70-92. https://doi.org/10.1163/18763375-00602001 [details]



    • Dupret, B., & Voorhoeve, M. (2012). Introduction. In M. Voorhoeve (Ed.), Family law in Islam: divorce, marriage and women in the Muslim world (pp. 1-10). (Library of Islamic law; No. 4). I.B. Tauris. [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2012). Compte rendu de thèse. IBLA : Revue de l'Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes, 75(1 (209)), 164-168. [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2012). Divorce for harm on the grounds of domestic violence. Hawwa. Journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic world, 10(3), 151-178. https://doi.org/10.1163/15692086-12341235
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2012). Judicial discretion in Tunisian personal status law. In M. Voorhoeve (Ed.), Family law in Islam: divorce, marriage and women in the Muslim world (pp. 199-230). (Library of Islamic law; No. 4). I.B. Tauris. [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2012). Le chaînon manquant. L’argumentation judiciaire dans le droit de la famille tunisien: analyse à partir des jugements contemporains tunisiens. Maghreb et sciences sociales.
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2012). Question de droit et fantasme populiste: la charia aux Pays-Bas. In B. Dupret (Ed.), La charia aujourd'hui: usages et pratiques de la référence au droit islamique (pp. 243-254). (Collection recherches). La Découverte. [details]


    • Voorhoeve, M. (2019). C-129/18, SM (kind onder kafala-voogdij). 162. Case note on: HvJ EU, 26/03/19, C-129/18, ECLI:EU:C:2019:248 (SM t. Entry Clearance Officer, UK Visa Section). EHRC. European Human Right Cases, 20(9), 473-478. [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2019). Molla Sali t. Griekenland. 60. Case note on: EHRM, 19/12/18, 20452/14 , ECLI:CE:ECHR:2018:1219JUD002045214 (Molla Sali t. Griekenland). EHRC. European Human Right Cases, 20(3), 181-186. [details]


    • Voorhoeve, M. (2015). Nederlandse juridische oriëntalistiek in een nieuw jasje: [Bespreking van: I.D.A. Sportel (2014) 'Maybe I'm still his wife' : transnational divorce in Dutch-Moroccan and Dutch-Egyptian families; F. Kulk (2013) Laverend langs grenzen : transnationale gezinnen en Nederlands en islamitisch familie- en nationaliteitsrecht]. Recht der Werkelijkheid, 36(2), 88-97. https://doi.org/10.5553/RdW/138064242015036002009 [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2015). Pauline Kruiniger, Islamic Divorces in Europe. Bridging the Gap between European and Islamic Legal Orders. Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis, 6. https://www.uitgeverijparis.nl/nl/reader/197391/1001250814


    • Voorhoeve, M. (2013). EHRC 2013/10. 10. Case note on: EHRM, 4/10/12, 43631/09 (Harroudj t. Frankrijk). EHRC. European Human Right Cases, 14(1). [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2013). Harroudj vs. France, European Court of Human Rights, 43631/09. Case note on: ECHR, 4/10/12, 43631/09 EHRC. European Human Right Cases, 14(1).
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2013). Steffen Erdle, Ben Ali's 'New Tunisia' (1987-2009). A Case Study of Authoritarian Modernization in the Arab World (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2010). Bibliotheca Orientalis, 70(3-4), 551-553. https://doi.org/10.2143/BIOR.70.3.2998070


    • Voorhoeve, M. (Ed.) (2012). Family law in Islam: divorce, marriage and women in the Muslim world. (Library of Islamic law; No. 4). London/New York: I.B. Tauris. [details]


    • Voorhoeve, M. (2010). De bescherming van het belang van het kind door Tunesische familierechters. Recht van de Islam, 24, 39-50. [details]
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2010). Het Tunesische familierecht en het IVRK. In J. H. de Graaf, C. Mak, F. K. van Wijk, & L. A. Mulders (Eds.), Rechten van het kind en autonomie (pp. 45-62). Ars Aequi Libri. [details]


    • Voorhoeve, M. (2009). The interaction between codified law and divine law: the case of divorce for disobedience in Tunisia. IBLA : Revue de l'Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes, 204, 267-286. [details]


    • Voorhoeve, M. (2008). Waarheid bij de gerechtelijke vaststelling van het vaderschap van de verwekker. In J. H. Graaf, C. Mak, & F. K. van Wijk (Eds.), Rechten van het kind en ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid (pp. 43-58). Ars Aequi Libri. [details]

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Voorhoeve, M. (2023). Lezing en workshop ter gelegenheid van het verschijnen van het nieuwe nummer van Tijdschrift ZemZem, China en het Midden-Oosten, Rotterdam.
    • Voorhoeve, M. (2020-2023). Hoofdredacteur van Tijdschrift ZemZem over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en de islam, Tijdschrift ZemZem. http://www.zemzemtijdschrift.nl


    • Voorhoeve, M. (organiser) (19-12-2024 - 20-12-2024). Imperialism, gender and law in Muslim contexts, Amsterdam. Imperialism, gender and law in Muslim contexts (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://aihr.uva.nl/content/events/2024/12/international-conference-on-law-empire-and-gender-in-muslim-societies.html
    • Voorhoeve, M. (participant) (26-9-2024 - 28-9-2024). DAVO conference, Goettingen. Paper title Negotiating colonial interference in Islamic law: the case of the sharia courts in La Régence de Tunis (1881-1956) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Voorhoeve, M. (organiser) (21-1-2023). Sport!, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Voorhoeve, M. (organiser) (20-1-2023). ACMES research convention 2023, Amsterdam. ACMES research convention (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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