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Prof. dr. M.C. (Margriet) van der Waal

Zuid-Afrikaanse letterkunde, cultuur en geschiedenis (bijzondere leerstoel vanwege de Stichting Zuid-Afrikahuis Nederland)
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Capaciteitsgroep Nederlandse Letterkunde

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Kamernummer: 452
  • Postbus 1637
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • van Amelsvoort, J. D., & van der Waal, M. (2024). Introduction: The Cultural Deliberation of Europe. Continuum. Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 38(4), 367-374. https://doi.org/10.1080/10304312.2024.2413679
    • van Amelsvoort, J. D., & van der Waal, M. (Eds.) (2024). The Cultural Deliberation of Europe. Continuum. Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 38(4).




    • van der Waal, M. (2021). Rewarding an Imagined South Africa: Literary Prizes in South Africa before and after 1994. In P. Broomans, M. Sanders, & J. den Toonder (Eds.), Literary Prizes and Cultural Transfer (pp. 131-158). (Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission; Vol. 9). Barkhuis. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv23wf37q.9 [details]
    • van der Waal, M., & Böhling, R. (2021). In their shoes? Categorizing identities and creating citizens in refugee reality TV. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 24(1), 314-332. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367549419869355 [details]


    • van der Waal, M. (2018). Making Precarious Lives Visible: Imagining Europe's Marginalized ''Others''. In K. Czerska-Shaw, M. Galent, & B. Gierat-Bieroń (Eds.), Visions and Revisions of Europe (pp. 129-141). (Studies in Euroculture; Vol. 4). Universitätsverlag Göttingen. https://doi.org/10.17875/gup2018-1115 [details]




    • van der Waal, M. (2020). ‘Ons is meer Suid-Afrikaners as enigiemand anders in hierdie land’: Hybriditeit en de Frontier in Zuid-Afrika. In M. van Kempen (Ed.), Het andere postkoloniale oog: Onbekende kanten van Nederlandse (post)koloniale culturen (pp. 167-174). Verloren. [details]





    • van der Waal, M. C. (2022). "A letter to Jan van Riebeeck": new Afrikaans poets in conversation about Europe and the legacies of colonialism". Paper presented at Sketches of Black Europe: Images of Europe/ans in African and African Diasporic Narratives - Transnational and Inclusive Approaches .
    • van der Waal, M. C., & Van Weyenberg, A. (2022). Africanizing European Heritage: Bernardine Evaristo’s Soul Tourists (2005) and Omar Victor Diop’s Project Diaspora (2014). Paper presented at Intersectional Challenges in Afroeuropean Communities.



    • van der Waal, M. C. (2018). Afrikaans and Dutch rap: coming to terms with history. Paper presented at Recognition, Reparation, Reconciliation, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Stobbe, J. & van der Waal, M. (2020). Mervyn Heard Award 2020 - Magic Lantern Society.



    • van der Waal, M. (speaker), Henkes, B. (speaker), Holtrop, M. (speaker) & Tichmann, P. (speaker) (8-12-2018). Transcontinental identifications and confrontations in commemorating slavery pasts, Recognition, Reparation, Reconciliation, Stellenbosch.
    • van der Waal, M. (speaker) (11-10-2017). Die stad, die speurder en sosiale geografie van Suid-Afrika: die uitbeelding van sosiale identiteit in ‘n stedelike konteks in die werk van Deon Meyer, 4de Gentse Colloquium over het Afrikaans, Gent.


    • van der Waal, M. (organiser) (11-11-2021). Articulating belonging: translingualism, belonging and the creation of South African social collectivities, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Stuit, H. (member of programme committee), van der Waal, M. (member of programme committee), Robbe, K. (member of programme committee) & Vitackova, M. (member of programme committee) (16-10-2021 - 30-7-2022). Footnotes, Amsterdam. Our new bi-monthly interdisciplinary program on changemaking voices in artwork, books, films and other media. We’ll be talking about black feminism, (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.zuidafrikahuis.nl/product/footnotes-intersectional-strategies-in-south-africa-%E2%80%A8episode-1-curating-caring-confronting-and…
    • van der Waal, M. (member of programme committee) (20-1-2021 - 22-1-2021). OSL Ravenstein Winter School 'Language, Literature and Belonging' (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van der Waal, M. (organiser) (27-9-2019). Polyphone, indigeneity and Afrikaans (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://voertaal.nu/week-van-de-afrikaanse-roman-2019-video-van-paneelbespreking-oor-die-ontstaansgeskiedenis-van-afrikaans/
    • van der Waal, M. (participant), Henegan, C. (participant), Barry, F. (participant), de Roest, A. (participant), Waszink, V. (participant), Ursus, L. (participant) & Goliath, Q. (participant) (9-11-2018). Afrikaanse rymklets en de Nederlandse context, Amsterdam. Second annual seminar of the Chair Zuid-Afrikaanse literatuur, cultuur en geschiedenis (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van der Waal, M. (organiser), Buikema, R. (participant), Clarkson, C. A. P. (participant), Robbe, K. (participant), Willemse, H. (participant) & Mahomed, M. (participant) (9-11-2017). The Art of Debate, Amsterdam. Symposium to mark the start of the new Chair "Zuid-Afrikaanse Literatuur, Cultuur en Geschiedenis". (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van der Waal, M. (participant) (10-10-2017 - 11-10-2017). 4de Gentse Colloquium over het Afrikaans, Ghent (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
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