What is the position of the Netherlands in the world today and how has it developed historically? In this course we approach these questions from the perspective of cultural and literary studies.
We will explore two main themes in particular: The Netherlands as a postcolonial society and the Netherlands’ response to the increasingly serious challenges arising from the exploitation of the natural environment.
These themes are each addressed in two lectures and two seminars. In the lectures, the themes are introduced from a cultural, historical and literary perspective, with attention for current political debates in the Netherlands and beyond. The lectures also provide analytical tools for the practical assignments and activities in the seminars.
This Open UvA Course is part of the Faculty of Humanities' public programme. Beside Open UvA Courses, the public programme also comprises special lectures and series of courses. The public programme is intended for alumni, employees looking for extra training, and all others who are interested in art, culture, philosophy, language and literature, history and religion.