This course is an introduction to Ukrainian culture and society. You will acquaint yourself with Ukrainian language and culture.
In this course, you acquaint yourself with the Ukrainian language and culture. The various texts and sources used in the course are specifically aimed at introducing students to Ukrainian culture and society. Listening exercises make use of beginner-level media clips about current affairs. In the classes, we especially pay attention to explaining basic grammar and we offer opportunities to improve one’s reading and speaking skills (pronunciation and intonation). In preparation for class, you work on reading, writing and translation assignments. Your basic active vocabulary will include 400 words. Language proficiency classes are relatively intensive and require considerable preparation time and independent study. The course emphasizes reading skills, followed by elementary listening, and speaking skills.
You can continue Ukrainian 1 with the Open UvA-college Ukrainian 2.
This Open UvA Course is part of the Faculty of Humanities' public programme. Beside Open UvA Courses, the public programme also comprises special lectures and series of courses. The public programme is intended for alumni, employees looking for extra training, and all others who are interested in art, culture, philosophy, language and literature, history and religion.